Monday, December 14, 2009

Healthy Homemade Dog Food

Many of us are concerned about the commercial dog foods on the market today. We hear about recalls and health concerns even deaths related to them. They often contain fillers with no nutritional value and a list of ingredients that we don't understand.

You may want to consider making your own homemade dog food. You don't need any special training or tools just the motivation to ensure that your homemade dog food is the best choice for you and your dog. It is simple to do and can be done at the same time you are making your own dinner.

Basically, whatever you are having minus added salt, spices and fat your dog can have and let's face it what four legged friend of our's doesn't appreciate a homemade meal too.

For the most part your dog's nutritional requirements are the same as yours. Water, protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals ensuring your dog is getting his daily dose of each of these elements will help keep him happy and healthy. Generally speaking most dogs require a mix of different ingredients in order to make it the healthiest dog food for your Aussie.

In most cases, this means you should make your homemade dog food 40% meat, 30% fiber and 30% starch. This variable may change a little bit, depending on the breed and size of your dog, but it's a pretty consistent guideline that can be used to make your own homemade dog food

Supplying fresh clean water daily not only helps keep her hydrated but helps nutrients and waste products flow through the body.

Protien plays a role in tissue growth and repair. Fats supply energy and vitamins as well as add flavour which can determine how much food they will eat. Fat also helps maintain a nice healthy coat.

Carbohydrates are an energy source as they are broken down and metabolized.

Vitamins and Minerals help the proper absorption of fats and carbohydrates and for the chemical reactions in the body. It is essential that you get enough vitamins and minerals in your homemade dog food. It's recommended that you also include high quality dog food supplements to make sure your dog is getting everything she needs.

Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin, eyes and your immune system and can be found in:

Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system. Some examples of foods high in vitamin C are:

Brussel Sprouts
Green peas
Green beans
Vitamin E is a valuable antioxident and helps repair cell damage and can be found in spinach, broccoli and other leafy greens.

You can also include fruits in your homemade dog food recipes. Dogs also like fruit and get the same benefits from them as we do. Remember that dogs can not have grapes or raisins!

Apples have vitamins A, B, C, iron, potassium and magnesium. They can help bring down bad cholersterol.

Bananas are good source of potassium, folic acid, vitamin A & B6. They are easily digested and high in fiber. They make a good energy boosting snack as well they can provide moisture in healthy treat recipes instead of adding oil.

Carrots are a nice crunchy snack raw. They are also full of nutrients and vitamins B, C, D, E, & K along with folic acid and the anti-cancer protecting ingredient - beta carotene. They also contain potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and silica.

Strawberries is another popular one. They also contain cancer fighting beta -carotene, bone building calcium, potassium and iron and of course vitamin C.

Pineapples are packed full of vitamin C and fibre so they help the immune and digestive system. They also have anti-inflammatory effects.

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